A setting of part of Il Vendemmiatore, by Luigi Tansillo, which I encountered quoted by Giordano Bruno in his dialogue La Cena de le ceneri. The part I set is:
Lasciate l’ombre, ed abbracciate il vero;
Non cangiate il presente col futuro.
Io d’aver di miglior già non dispero;
Ma per viver più lieto e più sicuro,
Godo il presente e del futuro spero:
Cosi doppia dolcezza mi procuro.
Leave the shadows, and embrace the truth;
Do not exchange the present for the future.
I do not despair of having something better;
But by living more gladly and more calmly,
I enjoy the present and hope for the future:
And so I obtain double sweetness.
It was based on randomized four-pitch diatonic chords, like the “Nine Settings.”