Doug Skinner: An Archive on Your Gizmo

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The Sasquatch and the Jackalope

May 12th, 2024 · 2 Comments

From The Potato Farm, here are the first four stanzas of “The Sasquatch and the Jackalope.” As astute readers will notice, it’s about photography, and is written in embraced quatrains (ABBA), with the stanzas alternating masculine and feminine rhymes.


We have a stirring tale to tell,
Of how two creatures, in cahoots,
Persisted in their photo shoots
Until they had some shots to sell.

One night, a sasquatch left his hideout.
A jackalope sat like a stylite
Atop a summit in the twilight,
So startling him he nearly cried out.

He’d hung a Kodak from his neck,
And so he snapped the eerie scene.
He hoped some monthly magazine
Might like it, and would send a check.

The jackalope was also lucky:
That night he snapped a striking photo
That showed the hominid in toto:
A hulking ape, hirsute and mucky.

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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Franko // May 20, 2024 at 12:38 pm

    Love the stylite/twilight rhme and all your work over the years. Any chance of reissue of the CD White Knuckle Sandwich? Thanks again, Frank0

  • 2 admin // May 21, 2024 at 9:55 am

    Thanks, Franko! We still have boxes of the CD, but maybe we should make it available on Bandcamp or something.

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